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October 22, 2012


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Alicia (foodycat)

THe way the cheese is oozing through the middle there looks so appetising! What an interesting-sounding book.

Amanda McTigue

Simona, I'm so thrilled that GOING TO SOLACE inspired your incredible apple creation. My husband took one look at the pictures above and put in his order (demand!) for a taste of the real thing. Please let me know if you'd like to offer one of your readers a copy of the novel and let's make that happen. I'd love to see what other concoctions arise from a book whose characters must improvise Thanksgiving both around and beyond the dining room table. Cheers.


come dicono lì da te "GORGEOUS" fantastica veramente! è una versione per me assolutamente inedita e da provare! c'è un iniziativa di Melinda (i produttori di mele trentine sicuramente li conosci) che raccolgono varie ricette con mele e poi devolvono dei soldi per le popolazioni dell'Emilia colpite dal terremoto. La tua ricetta è fantastica se ti va prova a dare un'occhiata sulla loro pagina fb!
Io voglio partecipare, magari realizzando una versione dolce della tua.. che ne dici?
Complimenti per la recensione su Sale e Pepe!!
A presto

Sarah @ Snap a Bite

This is an interesting take on oven baked apples.
I can already feel my inspiration flowing and building further on your idea... what about, instead of adding cheese, adding vanilla pudding... or maybe some biscoff spread and top it off with almonds or ... *ideas flowing*
Oh I know I'll be making something alike soon, very soon! *must bookmark page now in order to not forget*


Wonderful review and delicious-looking fanfare. It is nice that you're able to return home, occassionally. Your reunion must have been fun, to see all friends. You mean you had to climb ALL THOSE steps on your way to school!? Every day? Every week? Every month?

Molly Hashimoto

Simona, I loved what you wrote, and many things about this post. The photo of the beautiful arch in Perugia where you walked to school, and your fine writing. The apples "unadorned, yet proud of their deeply flavored simplicty." Perhaps there is a novel in you waiting to be written?

Simona Carini

Hi Alicia. And the smell is lovely. For a cheese-lover, this is a nice treat. And the book really engaging.

Thanks for your kind words Amanda and for your kind offer: we'll definitely make it happen. Not having Thanksgiving traditions to deal with, I am free to interpret the holiday the way I like, and the overall theme of giving thanks is quite inspiring.

Grazie Francesca, anche del suggerimento. Ora devo tradurre la ricetta in italiano. Sono sicura che la tua interpretazione in version dolce sara' squisita.

Hi Sarah, I am glad to read that my little recipe got your creative juices flowing. The best answer to "what if?" questions is to follow your ideas and see what happens. I hope you'll do it :)

To tell you the truth, Paz, that's not the whole flight of stairs. Downtown Perugia is at the top of the hill so to get there it's either stairs (and there are a few more in various parts of the city) or steep streets. The answer is yes, I've walked on that street every day to go to school: I love that road.

Thank you so much, Molly, for your kind words. My only foray into fiction (short story) has clarified to me that it is not my forte, but I hope that my food writing keeps improving. I love simplicity. Now that you've been to Assisi, you understand where I come from. St. Francis is an inspiration even in areas not directly connected to him.

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