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October 07, 2012


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Meraviglia!!!!!!!! Ma come sei brava, anche i crauti prepari...

Simona Carini

Grazie Aldissima. Mi piace provare a fare quanto piu' posso. Devo dire che i crauti non sono molto difficili. Il piu' e' aspettare che maturino.


Thanks for the mention, Simona! Your "simple" version looks simply delicious. Made with your own homemade sauerkraut, your own grown potatoes and organic dried beans, you've taken this dish to a new level.


I love this soup! I can get wonderful, fresh kraut from one of the markets.... I will try this. Funny, the only time we were in Trieste was on the way back from Croatia (we had been on Brijuni)and it rained so we just drove through...


What a rich post, Simona! So much information and so many links. Thanks for the entry.

Simona Carini

Thanks for the kind words, Frank. It was certainly satisfying to create the dish with local ingredients.

Ciao Katie. Both you and I need to go back, then.

You are welcome, Sra.


T come Tantissime riceTTe!!!! Grazie a TuTTi per la parTecipazione: http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2012/09/t-come-trieste.html!
E ora tUtti a Urbino!!!

Simona Carini

Grazie a te, Aioulik!

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