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October 21, 2012


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Alicia (foodycat)

Your addition of the avocado sounds really interesting - that soft creamyness would provide such a good contrast!


Non conoscevo questa ricetta ma conosco bene Urbino e le sue bellezze! Mi piacciono molto i cavolfiori (anche io li cuocio al vapore) e li cucino spesso, perciò voglio provarli alla tua maniera.
Bacioni, Francy


I've actually never been to Urbino. You've convinced me that I must visit on our next trip to Italy. The salad looks wonderful - the steamed cauliflower is a nice backdrop to the more strongly flavored anchovies, olives and capers. We were glad to see that you had gotten back home to Perugia recently!

Simona Carini

Hi Alicia. Indeed. Plus I found the flavor combination intriguing.

Ciao Francesca. E' una semplice insalata, ma dal sapore interessante. Spero che trovi un buon avocado perche' ci sta proprio bene.

Definitely visit Urbino next time you are in Italy. It's not terribly far from Rome (and you can stop in Perugia on the way ;). I was in Perugia for a bit more than a week. I will write a separate post on that soon. I spent the day before flying back in Rome visiting family and friends and as I was walking around, at some point I saw a gratachecca kiosk, which reminded me of your recent post mentioning it.


U come Ultime tappe per l'abbecedario...ecco tutte le ricette di questa lettera (poche ma buone): http://abcincucina.blogspot.com.es/2012/10/u-come-urbino.html!
Grazie per la partecipazione e ora tutti a Vibo Valentia!!!!


Lovely-sounding place. I love cauliflower. This is an enticing dish for me.


The addition of avocado sounds so interesting - can't wait to see the photo.

Frank @Memorie di Angelina

Sadly, I never did get to Le Marche during my years in Italy. Now I wish I had!

I love cauliflower, like you, on the soft side, and with those very same savory flavorings! Goes great with orecchiette, too...

Simona Carini

Beh, Aioulik, adesso che so, non sono piu' cosi' triste come prima. Urbino e' stata una bella tappa e ora la Calabria. Grazie!

Ciao Paz. Indeed, Urbino is a lovely place. And if you like cauliflower, this is a nice recipe to try.

Hi Jeannette. I have just finished steaming the cauliflower as I write, so hopefully later on I will have a decent photo.

Dear Frank, I hope you'll get to visit Urbino and other nice places in the Marche (I have my wish list too: I would like to go back to Ancona to see its gorgeous cathedral). And you are right about cauliflower and orecchiette - or other pasta: I had some lovely penne with cauliflower for dinner the last evening I was in Italy recently (thank you, Sergio!).

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