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August 07, 2012


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Looks delicious! I need to make it asap as I have lots of millet. I bet it will work with lentils too.


thank you Simona for linking this delicious meal to the event sent my entry :)


Ooh... I think I'd like this dish very much. Love beans. Love millet. Love sage, onions, garlic. Never had kale blossoms, though. Well... don't faint. I've never had any kale. At least I don't think I have.


dish looks so healthy...

Jagruti's Cooking Odyssey
Super Foods~Super Power

roberta cobrizo

Simona, potresti per cortesia farci avere la tua mail (per Salutiamoci)?
Scrivimi pure a cobrizoperla[chiocciola]gmail[punto]com
Grazie ancora. :-)


Gorgeous beans, Simona. I do wish I could get my hands on kale blossoms. Unless I grow it myself, I am out of luck. (But can't complain much, because I can find zucchini flowers fairly easily.)

I love the idea of toasting the millet. It's very pretty that way. So are the speckled bayo, one of the few which hold their markings, I see. I am not familiar with them yet.

Thank you for sharing this very creative dish for MLLA 50. : )


I have never tried millet. This looks quite good! And thanks for visiting my blog!

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Let me know if you try. And yes, I think lentils would also work nicely with millet.

My pleasure, Akheela.

Nerissa, I had never had kale until a few years ago, so I understand. It's easy for me to grow it, which is why I have kale blossoms as well.

Thanks, Jagruti.

Spero che l'email sia arrivata, Roberta.

Hi Susan. It's possible that kale blossoms will become common, the way zucchini blossoms have. In the meantime, you could try using the latter to this soup ;)

Ciao Lucia. It's really nice, so if you find it, I suggest you try it. You are welcome!

Simona Carini

I forgot to mention: the beans that hold their markings are called Jacob's cattle and they are part of Paul's mix. Your question made me realize that I had not labeled the photos clearly. The version in the bottom photo was made using Paul's mix.


minimalist perfection, indeed. very nice!


Thank you, Paz!


I grew up on recipes like this in my Italian Home. To this it is one of my favorite. Broccoil or Broccoli Rabe (the Rabe is my favorite),sauted in Olive Oil with lots of garlic and Beans for protien. Sooo Yummy with Crusty bread for dipping.

Simona Carini

I like both broccoli and broccoletti di rape, plus my current favorite: purple sprouting broccoli. Any one of those vegetables can be turned into a great dish. Olive oil and garlic, yes: that's how I made purple sprouting broccoli for dinner — simple and flavorful. Thanks for stopping by :)

daniel karanja

Love food with beans

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