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June 05, 2012


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Lori Lynn

Wow, we've been blogging for 5 years! It continues to be a pleasure to read your blog Simona.
I had to comment because I'll be in Champaign this weekend for a reunion. It's been 35 years, can't wait to see how the town has changed...


Wheeeee! I actually started working on my entry today! Unfortunately, my camera decided to not behave...

I plan to have something ready by the end of the month!


I am ashamed to admit that I've stopped reading ever since I started the blog. I don't find time any more, even for blogging. May be it's because I am getting old and feeling tired easily :)


I am loving the new look over here Briciole.


Thanks for the mention. Since talk has turned to P.D. James, you might be interested in this post as well.

What am I reading now? Death in Precinct Puerto Rico by Steven Torres. And my copy of Camilleri's The Age of Doubt arrived today. I'll be reading that before too long.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"

Simona Carini

Hi Lori Lynn. I remember well that we started around the same time. Time flies, doesn't it? Enjoy your time in Champaign!

Wow, Ruhama, you are so well organized. Hope your camera woes are only transitory. Looking forward to reading what you'll come up with this time.

Ciao Ivy. It is certainly true that to set aside time for blogging, one has to give up something else. My reading time is the end of the day: no matter how late it is, I mush read for a bit, otherwise I can't sleep.

Thanks, Val!

Thanks Peter. I remember reading that post. She is pretty amazing at 92. Having only read 1.5 of her novels, I feel like I have a bit more to go before I can say something about her work, which at this point spans some 50 years. I like her style a lot and I am curious to see how it has evolved. Enjoy your new Camilleri!

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