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June 21, 2012


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I love that life springs eternal, and that there is always nourishment to be found, even in so-called waste products. Matter may change, but it never goes away. (Physics 101 ; ))

Nice affirming, heartening image, Simona. Reminds me of a time years ago when my mom and I dug up old non-blooming day lily roots and tossed them under the arbor to rot. Somehow they weathered over a hard winter and sprouted fresh growth in spring. They simply would not die, so we pried the roots open with pitchforks and replanted: another several years of lovely yellow blooms on the post and rail fence.


Simona, that is funny. Nature force is so strong.

I have so many tomato seedlings sprouting where I spread the compost from last year.


Simona, nice picture!

Simona Carini

Hi Susan. Thanks for sharing the nice story about the lily. When a plant finds a spot it likes, it is pretty amazing what it can stand. Speaking of which, I am pretty happy today because a small orchid I got as a gift a while ago has bloomed again - in the bathroom.

Tomato seedlings? How nice, Laura. Having seeds in the compost makes for a rather chaotic distribution of plants. On the other hand, it's kind of fun to see what grows where.

Thanks, Usha.

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