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December 14, 2011


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I always wanted to make cheese but now I am disappointed because I lack patience. Your b/w is so beautiful.


This is a very creative shot Simone. I am admiring all of the talented black and white photographers from afar.

Simona Carini

Dear Ivy, I am afraid I disagree with the statement you made about yourself, since I know that you make dishes that require patience. I am sure that one day you'll successfully tackle cheese making :)

Thanks, Val. I am glad you like the photo.


Oh! Very nice. I suppose, I have to be patient, too, to find out how everything goes.


The ritual of cheese-making sounds so soothing during this busy time of year. As always, the photo is lovely!


Beautiful Simona, I love the story behind the photo. It makes it even more interesting.
Any many things you need patience, and I love the idea of waiting to see what comes out after your efforts.
Of course I'm not talking of cheese making, haven't tried that yet, but sooner or later I will!
No, I was thinking of the garden, also gardening require a lot of patience.
You wait a year to see your Clematis Montana bloom, and the it rains constantly for 2 weeks and ruins everything.
I have waited for 6 years to see some Capers seed become a plant.
I'm soo happy!
Thanks for sharing.

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. I can tell you that so far so good ;)

Thanks you, Cara and Stefano. I try to approach certain steps in the making of cheese as a sort of meditation. Stirring the curds for a long time can be tedious otherwise.

Ciao Brii. I understand the comparison with gardening, though I am better with cheese than with my garden. They are both little adventures. I remember how happy I was when an orchid bloomed after two years of complete silence :)

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