« frittata con pesche arrosto e caciotta fatta in casa / frittata with roasted peaches and homemade caciotta | Main | verde bianco e rosso al mercato / green, white, and red at the farmers' market »

September 20, 2011


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I love the sound of this recipe. Something I'll have to try. I love your serving shell, too. ;-)


Ah, tempering chocolate is a skill I would love to learn. I have read there are several competing methods both w/ and w/out machines. Your pecan clusters look such a treat. I love that oyster shell. What an extraordinary shoreline to find such pieces of the sea.

Shall try bread and chocolate next time there is a decent bread in the house, maybe toasted brioche - or is that too decadent? In any case, you've given me an idea for a recipe. I'll have to kick it around a bit, but it has legs, I think.

Cook the Books sounds like a fun group. I'd like to make the time/energy to participate. We'll see.


Pecans have been imported to Greece only a few years ago and we only get them roasted. They were love at first "bite" and I am hooked ever since. The chocolates you made are so tempting.


Mi hai fatto venire l'acquolina! Che bonta' questa combinazione. Devo leggere l'articolo di cui parli.


The chocolate covered almonds we get during fundraisers are so addictive.


ah eccole qui... ;-))


I love bread and chocolate! Nothing better than a croissant with chocolate and coffee for breakfast.

Deb in Hawaii

Great CTB post and entry! I love how beautifully coated with chocolate your pecans are--they look so inviting. I got into the habit of good chocolate melted on good bread with olive oil and a touch of sea salt after trying some in a chocolate cafe in New York. So delicious. ;-)

Simona Carini

Ciao Paz. It requires a bit of patience, but it is not difficult, and of course you can use other nuts as well.

Ciao Susan. The tempering machine is a neat tool. Besides taking care of the temperature changes, it keeps everything neat and clean. Definitely try bread and chocolate. Toasted brioche sounds indeed decadent ;) I personally like to use breads with a bit of body. I am glad I provided inspiration: now I am curious to see where it leads you.

Ciao Ivy. I am glad you have tasted pecans and I liked them.

Ciao Laura. E' davvero un'accoppiata vincente.

Ciao Val. Addiction is indeed a danger with chocolate and nuts.

Ciao Marta. Ebbene si', ecco qui il dolce segreto ;)

Ciao Katie. Croissant with chocolate brings the pairing to a different level ;)

Hi Deb and thanks for the kind words. What you describe sounds very interesting.

Alicia (Foodycat)

They look wonderful!

Simona Carini

Thanks Alicia. As I said, they come with a big warning: "addictive." However, nuts and chocolate and both good for us, so the combination is justified even health-wise.

Rachel @ The Crispy Cook

That's a gorgeous photo with the seashell candy dish. Great post for Cook the Books!

Jessica@The Literary Foodie

I did not discover bread and chocolate until I was into my 20's and I regret all those missed years. Chocolate covered nuts I discovered much earlier. They are one of my dad's favorites and he used to hide them when I was a kid, making them all the more tempting. Yours came out beautifully, thanks for sharing.


I have yet to try that bread and chocolate combination. I love chocolate with nuts though, and dried fruit as well. Just recently did some tempering of our homegrown cacao (after a long involved process of preparing the beans, liquefying and grinding smooth overnight in a concher. Yikes!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Rachel!

Hi Jessica and thanks for sharing you childhood memories. Hiding food certainly makes it more tempting.

Ciao Claudia. I wish I could grow some cacao trees! Making chocolate at home is indeed a lengthy process: I hope you were happy with the result.

Heather @girlichef

I only just discovered the glory that is bread and chocolate over the past few years...and I do love it. However, I have ALWAYS been addicted to chocolate covered nuts...and consumption has always been an issue for me, as well. ha ha ha. Delicious, inspired post Simona :D

Simona Carini

It's never too late, Heather. You made me think I should write a post showing the kind of chocolates I ate as a child. We did not have chocolate-covered nuts the way I made or usually find in the stores. An idea to keep in mind. I am glad you like the post :)


Lovely post and beautiful picture--you really described the book so well!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Danielle.

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