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June 03, 2011


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Thanks for explaining the difference of bruschetta and crostini, as I always wondered. The roasted tomatoes sound delicious on top of toasted bread, yum!


I haven't bought tomatoes yet. It has been so cold that not California tomatoes arrived to the market yet. I can't wait for the sun gold tomatoes to hit the stores, I eat them like cherries!

Have a great rest of the trip!


Beh la bruschetta è sempre un bel mangiare :DDDD buone Simo!!!


Fare le bruschette con i pomodorini arrosto è un'alternativa perfetta per questo periodo in cui qui in Germania sconsigliano di mangiare i pomodori crudi per via di un'epidemia. E in questi giorni i mangerei solo bruschette :-)


Beautiful bread, beautiful tomatoes - who could ask for anything more?

Simona Carini

They are, Ivy and I totally recommend them. I am totally into roasting tomatoes now and I hope to develop more recipes this summer.

Ciao Laura. I am afraid we will have another late season this year. We have found tomatoes from Florida on the East Coast, but I am ready for the varieties I enjoyed last summer.

Ciao Ale e grazie.

Ciao Alex. Sto seguendo un po' la vicenda dell'E. coli. Trovo inaccettabile che nel 21mo secolo non riusciamo a garantire la sicurezza dei cibi. Meno male che i pomodori arrosto sono buoni.

Ciao Alicia: indeed! I find tomatoes quite inspiring. Are you doing some planting this year? I hope so :)


ciao Simo, ricetta ricevuta e spedito mail-info ^___^


Perfect recipe for the tomato addicts here. I kind of understand you not liking salt on tomatoes - they are so full of flavour that they don't really need it, when properly ripe. I usually eat raw tomatoes without salt as well, but when I roast them I like to add it as it produces juicier juices :)
You are visiting some beautiful places indeed! I've never heard of them.

Simona Carini

Ciao Marta e grazie del messaggio.

Ciao Caffettiera. That makes sense. I am writing a post with a few more photos: I will publish it some time next week.

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