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March 29, 2011


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Che meraviglia! Ho comprato proprio ieri a un banchetto ambulante 10 bellissimi carciofi e la tua ricetta capita a pennello! Con gli altri farò la pasta ai carciofi che è in assoluto una delle mie preferite.


What a wonderful idea, hummus with artichokes. I'll have to try that. Love the hazelnuts on top, too. And your bread is beautiful. Other than that, I didn't like your post at all. :)

I didn't know that special type of mint is essential for Jewish-style artichokes, by the way. Interesting.

Sweet Artichoke

What a scrumptious hummus! I can imagine all the flavours together, artichoke and hazelnuts is such a great combination.
Thanks for sharing this recipe :-)

Simona Carini

Pasta ai carciofi? Ottima scelta, cara Chiara. I carciofi che si trovano a Roma sono un sogno.

Ciao Lisa. I really like the combination chickpeas + artichokes. And hazelnuts are my favorite nuts. We always had them at home, together with walnuts, so I grew up cracking and eating them. I think that when they are toasted, they have a rich flavor that begs to be paired with other foods. My mother was adamant about mentuccia for her carciofi alla giudia, and I must say that the smell and flavor of this kind of mint is quite particular. I wish I could grow some here.

Thanks, Vanessa. I am very happy to participate in the event.


ullallàààà......;-)) versione in italiano per questo hummus originale, copio subito!!! ciauzzzzzzz


Ma che ricettttttttttttaaaaaaaaa fantastica!!!!!!!!

Grazie Simo per la partecipazione alla nostra raccolta tin can recipes.

Baciusssssssss Ale


My favourite chickpeas and artichokes all in one dish Simona. I am in heaven.

Bluebirds and Butterflies

I just discovered your blog today. Wow! Great recipes! I love hummus and cannot wait to try the recipe you posted with the artichokes. The combinations you mention sound divine! I am going to post your blog name on my "other nests to visit" section of my own blog. Thank you for sharing these fabulous recipes! xoxo Kim


I love hummus, any kind! Thanks so much for your very sweet comments!


I am so sympathetic with your artichoke quest! One of my favourite vegetables, so difficult to find outside Italy. At least here, when I do find them, they usually are Italian, although old, so they are kind of ok. The last time I went back to Italy it was at the heart of artichoke season: each vegetable stall at the market boasted at least five varieties of artichokes from all corners of Italy. It was one of my hardest moment as an expat.

There is something special with the flavour of artichokes and chickpeas together.
And your challah is a real work of art.

Simona Carini

Ciao Astro: fammi sapere se lo provi.

Ciao Ale. Piacere mio.

Ciao Val. Glad you like the combination of ingredients. I wish I had tried it before.

Hi Kim and welcome.

Hi Debbie. Hummus is certainly a dish that lends itself to many variations.

Ciao Caffettiera. Imported artichokes are certainly not the same thing as fresh ones. I am in a better situation, since artichokes are grown in California, so you can find fresh ones. Glad you like my challah. I can't wait to try again handling six strands.


I've seen a few recipes with artichokes and chickpeas but have never tried this combination before. Now I am sold and it's in my list to try.


Hummus is one of our favorite foods with pita chips or raw vegetables. Use artichokes in many ways but not with chickpeas, your recipe sounds delicious. I really like the use of fresh mint and hazelnuts in your ingredients. Will definitely try it, thank you for sharing.

Merisi, Vienna

I am getting very hungry! ;-)

I love artichokes to no end, and miss the Roman springtime filled with all sorts of treats.
I once managed to find a pot of mentuccia at the Campo de' Fiori market, only to forget to take it back to Vienna (there is a vendor who sells dried mentuccia, but it tastes like nothing compared to the fresh leaves).
Carciofi alla Giudia probably are my favorites, but artichoke hearts saltati in padella or stuffed artichokes (with breadcrumbs, Parmesan and mentuccia) are equally desirable. I want to fly to Rome! ;-)


I love hummus and I love artichokes, so I know I would love this! Artichoke fritters are one of my favourite party pieces - everyone loves them!

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. I recommend it: the result is delicate and quite charming.

You're welcome, CoffeeGuy.

Ciao Merisi. Indeed, the dried version is nothing compared to the fresh one. I think an emergency trip to Rome is totally justified. I love stuffed artichokes too, but my mother never made them. If one day I find artichokes that I think will work well in the recipe, I'll try. I am getting hungry too.

Ciao Alicia. Artichoke fritters sound good and I can imagine them disappearing fast at a party.


Thanks for the recipe. I grow artichoke in my back yard garden and am always looking for new ways to eat it.

Simona Carini

You are welcome, Debra. This is a really nice spread and I hope you'll like it.

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