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November 21, 2010


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Your recipe is mouthwatering. As much as I love fresh beans, I hate shelling beans, peas etc., so I don't cook these more than a couple of times a year.


I have never seen these beans in their pods. they are truly beautiful! and believe me, the moment I saw these in the WHB I was thinking roasted tomatoes!! Gosh, and now you have it here. I love roasted tomatoes and would love to add a touch of sumac to these beans and roasted tomatoes (I am not too fond of cheese). Thanks for introducing me to these beauties, I will look for them now.


I have not tried fresh cannelini beans!Thanks for sharing.


Someone (me?) needs to grow cannelini beans, so then I can experience the fresh version. Your pairing sounds heavenly.


I never have used fresh cannellini, because I've never seen them around here, unfortunately. But I've used a couple of other types of fresh beans that I've gotten at our farmers' market. I love them all!

Your photos are fabulous, Simona. Just beautiful. I feel like I could reach a spoon into the one of the "salad" and start eating. And isn't it interesting how dark the pod around the completely white beans is.

Now I have to make some beans and tomatoes soon.


e io che i cannellini li conosco solo in scatola.......^_____^ un buon piatto certamente, con i pomodorini arrosto a insaporire i delicati fagioli, ciauzzzzzzz


Eccomi, sempre la solita che parla un po' (un po'?) a sproposito. La settimana scorsa sono andata al Farmers' Market in centro a Boston (Copley, per chiunque legga e sia pratica della zona). Mi e' venuto l'atroce sospetto che le carote e i parsnip (portulache? Li hai mai visti in Italia? Io no) erano vecchiotti. Naturalmente il sospetto mi e' venuto dopo, col classico senno di poi. Ho fatto una vellutata con le verdure e lo zenzero. Ma il risultato finale non giustificava lo spostamento fino in centro e il costo. Che ne dici? Ho letto abbastanza in rete sulla frode ai Farmers' Market.Tipo verdure comprate all'ingrosso e poi rivendute come se venissero dall'orto. Che esperienza hai avuto? Qualche sospetto?

Ciao e buon Thanksgiving.



Oh, this looks good. i've never had fresh cannellini beans before, just the canned ones. i'll have to change that very soon. ;-)

Simona Carini

Ciao Ivy. I disliked shelling peas and beans as a child, but now I am able to make it into a relaxing activity and I make sure I don't shell a big quantity.

Hi Soma. Glad you enjoyed the post. The beans were a nice surprise. I hope the farmer plants them again next year. The flavor and texture are very nice. I will look for sumac: I have never tried using it.

Hi tigerfish. I guess it's one of these things that it's possible to find only at a farmers' market, though you never know.

Ciao Claudia. Growing cannellini is a great idea. I am not sure how intense an effort it would be. Let me know if you try.

Ciao Lisa. I think fresh beans are just great. Cranberry beans are easier to find, though even those are usually available only for a short period. Maybe you can ask some of the farmers you know from the market what they think about selling more fresh beans. Glad you like the photos.

Ciao Astro. Anch'io fino a qualche tempo fa conoscevo solo i cannellini in scatola, quindi puoi immaginare che emozione vederli freschi da sgranare. Saluti dalla California.

Ciao Cynthia: mi fa sempre piacere leggere i tuoi commenti. Anche io la portulaca l'ho conosciuta qui. Al mercato che frequento regolarmente ormai conosco molti dei produttori da diversi anni. Ma anche ad un altro mercato che frequento piu' raramente, non ho mai avuto problemi per quanto riguarda la qualita' della merce acquistata. Se fossi in te riproverei, magari cercando un mercato che ti e' piu' comodo, cosi' che puoi andarci spesso e acquistare familiarita' con i vari produttori. Buon Thanksgiving anche a te.

Ciao Paz. They are really good.


I've never seen fresh cannellini beans! The greengrocer near where I lived in Sydney used to sell fresh borlotti, but I never bought them because I didn't know what to do with them. What a wasted opportunity!


can cannellini beans grow here in Philippines? I would love to try your recipe.
your photo looks mouth watering. the contrast between the tomatoes and beans are great.
glad to see you in the round up

Simona Carini

Ciao Alicia. I got fresh borlotti last year and the year prior. This year, the weather damaged the crop pretty badly. I still have a small bag in the freezer and I treasure it. I made delicious fagioli all'uccelletto with them. Maybe you will be able to find some fresh beans in your area.

Hi Ela. I really don't know what are the requirements for growing cannellini beans in terms of temperature and soil. I wish I could be more helpful. I wish you luck: I hope you get to try.

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