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September 24, 2010


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I've read this book but can't think now why i never tried to cook the recipes. What a good idea.

Lori Lynn

I like the image of the family's long table. Congrats on advancing to the next round at PFB Simona! Buona fortuna.


Hi Simona,

I am so impressed with the fact you make your own cheese and used it in this dish! Am I crazy (likely) or is the picture of the dish itself missing? I see the pictures of the peppers and of the cheese and bread but not one of the dish itself.

Thanks for your entry. I am so wishing we could have a real potluck on this one as I want to taste everyone's delicious Indian food! ;-)

Simona Carini

Hi Wizzy. Now that I have had such a nice result, I think I will try some other recipe.

Thanks Lori Lynn, same to you!

Hi Deb and thanks for the question. No, you are not crazy: something happened and the photo disappeared. I must have deleted it accidentally after publishing the post. It is back in place now. I do also wish we could have a real potluck, first to meet each other in person and then to have a nice feast. A Cook the Books party would be a lot of fun.


Yay! There it is. It is colorful--purple cauliflower is such fun! I'll have two helping please. ;-)


hai proprio ragione a dire che siamo sulla stessa lunghezza d'onda......ieri sera ho fatto i fagiolini in padella spolverati di formaggio ^______^ bacio e buon WE!!

bellini valli

Congratulations on advancing to the next round on becoming a Food Blog Star!!!! It's with dishes like this that you will sail through the competition.

Simona Carini

Thanks again, Deb, for the alert.

Ciao Astro. FAgiolini in padella spolverati di formaggio? Spero di vederli sul tuo blog: la ricetta ha un'aria molto interessante.

Thanks, Val, for the kind words and congratulations to you too!


Simona, che delizia! Adoro il cavolfiore e lo faccio spesso anche se sono l'unica a mangiarlo.

Il montasio fatto da te? Era il mio formaggio preferito da piccola e non l'ho ancora trovato in America.

Buon fine settimana!

Kelly @ It's a Food Life

This dish is beautiful with the colourful cauliflower!


That looks fantastic! I get roasted pimientos from Spain that will be perfect for this!


Yum! Like the reader above, I, too, am impressed with the fact you make your own cheese and used it in this dish!

Paz xoxo

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Capisco i tuoi figli, poiche' da ragazzina non ne andavo pazza. Ora lo adoro, soprattutto al forno, come in questa ricetta. Te la consiglio: anche riscaldato, il cavolfiore e' proprio gustoso. La mia version del Montasio certo non e' come quello vero, pero' e' un buon formaggio. Buon weekend anche a te.

Thanks, Kelly.

Thanks, Katie.

Thanks, Paz. It is indeed, a source of satisfaction to be able to use my homemade cheese in my dishes. I will share another example soon.

Merisi Vienna

What wonderful book tip and great dish,
mille grazie for both! :-)

I love roasted cauliflower, even if it is plain, or only parsley and salt added, but this recipe promises to carry the art of roasting cauliflower to new heights! I just know that I will send my husband to the store tomorrow morning, to procure all the ingredients, I may even help him cook, even though I should not leave my desk, but this dish is too good an excuse for procrastinating creatively.

A wonderful autumn Sunday to you,


I grew some purple cauliflowers but only a few are heading up in my garden. But what a wonderful dish to try and use them. Great post!


Purple cauliflower, how lovely!

I added quite a bit more cheese to mine, because I like my cauliflower cheese really cheesy. I thought the spicy flavours added such a wonderful extra dimension to the dish.


Oh Yum!! I love roasted cauliflower, and I love roasted peppers... Melted cheese on anything is a healing salve...so this must be marvelous! What a great dish Simona!


This cauliflower dish seems to have been a hit and I am waiting for some that looks good to show up in our market, then I can give it a try. Good job on making your own cheese! I've only done feta and ricotta.

Simona Carini

Ciao Merisi. I hope you made the dish and liked it.

Ciao Rachel. I tried growing cauliflower once and the result was so disappointing that I never repeated the attempt. I hope your purple cauliflower will do a final push and give you a satisfactory harvest.

Ciao Alicia. I actually have a weakness for purple produce, like purple cauliflower and potatoes. I agree with you that the dish could use more cheese than the original recipe.

Thanks, Glennis. I am gald you enjoyed the post.

Ciao Claudia. The dish comes highly recommended. Hard cheese requires mostly patience.


Hello Simona, I see that you are also hosting WHB this week! I also wanted to make cauliflower with cheese, but didn't get round to it in the end as I wouldn't find any good cauliflower. I have never seen purple variety before, it looks really good!


I've never tried purple cauliflower but sure wish we could all bring our dishes and try some of all of them inspired by this book. yours looks good.

Simona Carini

Hi Jo. Both golden and purple cauliflower are available here, but I have not seen either in Italy, so I guess it is more a US thing. I have also bought cauliflower that is a hybrid white and purple. They all make a nice contribution to the color of the final dish.

Hi Wanda. I like purple vegetables. I should post a photo of my leek and potato soup with purple potatoes: it's really a visual surprise.


Simona, your dish looks fantastic, I am intrigued by all the different colored cauliflower. Your rendition of the dish with Italian cheese truly highlights how we can all globalize different cuisines to suit our purposes.

Simona Carini

Thank you so much, Ann, for your kind words.

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