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September 27, 2009


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I love making jams and I've never used pectin before either. Lucky you having blackberries, your jam sounds amazing.


anch'io lascio macerare prima la frutta con lo zucchero, mi piace di più perchè così la frutta cuoce di meno e mi pare che mantenga di più il sapore....a una marmellata di macedonia non avevo mai pensato.... aspetto l'uso che hai fatto dello sciroppo che hai in frigo, e l'esito degli esperimenti, ciao!


Your jams are enticing. On my list of things to try.



Lots of freshness goes in that jar! I should start making jams again~you are an inspiration!

Simona Carini

Thanks, Ivy. I am glad I am not alone in being averse to using pectin.

Ciao Astro. Decisamente con una cottura piu' veloce il sapore ci guadagna. A me piace fare combinazioni di frutta un po' folli. L'anno scorso ho messo insieme mele e mango e risultato e' stato ottimo.

Ciao Paz. Making jam is quite satisfying: recommended.

Ciao Jann. I hope you'll make some jam. I must admit I love having all those colorful jars.


Have you seen the Jam Swap over on Under the High Chair's blog? I have a link on my entry:

Simona Carini

Thanks Ruhama for the pointer! I submitted my post.


Blackberry Apple sounds a treat. Your methods, Simona, are as artisan as what you can purchase at high-end markets, but so much more personally fulfilling and economical.

Simona Carini

Hi Susan and thanks for the kind words. I must admit that I find the colorful jars of my jam very satisfying.

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