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April 15, 2009


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Hi Simona!
I definitely remember I was waiting for the recipe of your mom`s homemade tomato sauce..is this it..?The one she bottles up?
Sounds lovely! You mentioned a foodmill-do you mean the hand one with the handle that turned manually?
I do agree that the right pure tomato sauce can be a cause of great excitement..!
Believe it or not..when I was in Jordan now..the sight and taste of a Genuine old-fashioned tomato bursting with flavor and color was so appealing,that I immediatly kept some of its seeds to dry and plant as soon as I find my home! :)

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Love Mr. Bourdain! And he's right about shallots, I think.
You have given me the inspiration to make fresh tomato sauce Simona. I will be trying it in the next few months.


Hi Mia. No, this is not what my mother bottles up. The last time I talked to my mother we discussed other things, but don't worry, I will ask her and then let you know. This page has a photo of a food mill: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_mill I hope you get to plant your seeds and get to harvest some nice tomatoes.

Hi Lori Lynn. Looking forward to reading about your tomato sauce.


fammi sapere se sarai a San Francisco la settimana prossima.

Speriamo di incontrarci.


La pasta con ll sugo al pomodoro è il simbolo dell'italinità nel mondo, ma è anche uno dei primo sapori che i bimbi apprendono, per poi amarlo tutta la vita:-))

Simona Carini

Ciao Laura. Ci incontreremo presto di sicuro.

Hai ragione, Lenny, e' un'eredita' culturale che ci portiamo dentro per tutta la vita, dovunque essa ci porti.


i will keep this recipe in my mind for when we get fresh tomatoes in our garden. thank you.

Simona Carini

I hope you get a nice harvest, Bee.


Home made tomato sauce is one of the best things in life! Good luck!


I love the sound of your tomato sauce. I was also amused at the amazement of Tony at a place that makes everything from scratch. Silly me - that was what I thought happened in restaurant kitchens!


i'm very much 'cook from scratch' chef myself - i make a lot of this tomato sauce in summer (we have a thriving garden) and it lasts me all winter!


I thought the Italian dishes from that section of the book were just about the most appetising things he referred to! Your sugo looks so good - we've got some plum tomatoes growing in the garden this year and I am HOPING they ripen enough for me to make jars and jars of sauce!


Fresh tomato sauce *is* extraordinary. Can't wait until I have a garden of my own again. San Marzano seeds will be my very first purchase.

Simona Carini

I agree, Jo. Thanks!

I share your amusement, Suzie.

Lucky you, Maria. Where I live, the only way to get tomatoes to ripen would be in a hothouse.

I wish you the best of luck with your garden and your harvest, Foodycat.

I hope your wish comes true, Susan: a nice garden and rows of ripe San Marzano tomatoes. Simply bissful.

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