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July 27, 2008


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Perfect, you covered it all! I remember the squirrell peeing on the computer.... Spit coffee al over when Iread that!


I always loved Sher's cat posts and was a great fan of Upsie.

Congratulations on Sebastian and Enrico. They're both very cute.


it was sad to hear of the tragic and sudden passing of such a loved blogger. your kittens are gorgeous.


A lovely tribute, Simona. Sher would have loved your kitties.


Wonderful tribute to Sher! Congrats on the two new addition to your home.



Sher would have loved having the tribute end with the kitties, what a nice touch. I am really touched that so many people are writing about her.

Simona Carini

Thanks everybody for your kind words. Both kittens love my computer, which worries me a bit.

Lori Lynn

A bittersweet post Simona. I did not know of Sher until after her passing. I spent an hour reading her pasta recipes.


Great remembrance--thank you so much. I loved that post about the squirrels peeing on the keyboard too. So funny; so Sher!


I only heard about Sher's untimely death yesterday (have clearly not been keeping up with my favorite blogs). Your tribute is marvelous, and the inclusion of the kitties is, of course, perfect. Congratulations on Sebastian and Enrico! I love those names! And they're darling (I especially have a thing for orangey cats). We have three cats, ourselves.

Simona Carini

Bittersweet indeed, Lori Lynn.

You are welcome, Glenna.

Thanks Lisa. They are darlings, with lots of personality. I didn't realize you had three of them!

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