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December 06, 2007


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I love coming here and reading about Italian vegetable related sayings, and also I'm usually surprised how they're similar with the Turkish ones. Just like zucca: always negative in metaphors. In Turkish people also use "una zucca vuota" but for a different not-very-meaning: bald.


I haven't ever tasted acorn squash, can you believe it! Of course I've tasted all kinds of other winter squash and grown butternut squash quite a few times, but somehow I've completely missed acorn. I must remember to buy some. Love the idea of squash stuffed with that delicious mixture! Hmm, I wonder if my thyme is even still green under the snow!


That's so interesting Burcu. You really make me want to learn Turkish.

What can I say, Kalyn, I have already made you taste chestnuts this year, so there is a precedence: I truly believe you should try acorn squash. I hope your thyme is doing OK under the snow.


Simona, that's simple and lovely. Would some gorgonzola top off this nice dish?


We love acorn squash. I grow it here but bring the seeds from the U.S. (Don't tell) Just this year I've start to wee winter squashes in the markets - in the past they;re were 'pig food'


Peter, that's a great idea: I think gorgonzola would be wonderful over the stuffing. Thanks for the suggestion.

Hi Katie. The first time I saw a pumpkin in my life, many years ago, I asked how it was used and was answered 'that's for the pig.' I think that it was typical in certain areas.


I've never tasted zucca either. I like the recipe you've posted. I like Cloud's name. ;-) The sayings are funny. ;-) I hope never to hear them in reference to me, though. ;-)



Don't feel bad. I broke a knife blade doing the very same thing! Well, whacking it with the metal pounder didn't help..haha!


Ciao, arrivo dal blog di kebrunella, nel tuo profilo ho letto che ti occupi di contabilità (come me) solo che lo fai in California...come si fa? :)

Ciao dalla Puglia

Spero di capire abbastanza l'inglese per seguire il tuo blog :)


'Una zucca vuota' is an expression I can see myself using often - and a wonderful recipe, Simona!


Dear Paz, I hope you will give zucca a try.

Hi Maryann: unsafe practices, I'd say.

Ciao Baol e grazie per la visita. Blogger ha deciso di farmi uno scherzo e non ha salvato la mia scelta. Mi dispiace deluderti, ma di fatto mi occupo di ricerca in campo di informativa medica. A presto.

Thanks Lucy.

Laurie Constantino

What an interesting recipe, thanks! In Greek, the word for squash also means rubbish -- another negative expression.

Lori Lynn @ Taste With The Eyes

Thanks for reminding me to use acorn squash as a side dish, your recipe sounds terrific. We are making lamb shanks tonight, maybe we'll try squash with it.
Now I don't have "una zucca vuota"
when it comes to cooking squash. Thanks :)


Both of the squash stuffed with pear and nuts dishes sound really nice. I would never have thought of stuffing a squash with pears.


Oh my, I didn't know, Laurie.

I hope you'll like the result, Lori Lynn.

Hi Kevin. I actually tried apples too, but I prefer pears.


Adoro la zucca, cucinata in tutti le possibili varianti.


Sounds tasty. I think acorn squash has to my favorite of the winter squash--this looks delicious and the pear sounds like a great thing to pair with it.


Proprio come me, Lenny. Ciao.

Thanks Mike. I hope you will try it.

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