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September 02, 2007


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What a great idea! I've already started going through my favorite novels in my mind.


You and Lisa must have read my mind! I'm IN!

Simona Carini

Dear Burcu and Susan, I am so glad you like our idea and are planning to participate.


Great idea..I'll see what I can come up with :)


I'll play! Simona, you might remember that I wrote a paper for Jeannette Ferrary's class about this very subject. My book group meets over a pot-luck meal every month, and we always try to match the food to the book.

Simona Carini

Hi Maryann, I am glad you are joining.

Dear Julia, I did not remember before you mentioned it, but now I do: I read your paper and enjoyed it a lot. I am so glad you'll play with us.


Very cool event!



evento molto carino!


I love it! I'm in! And I always get so hungry when I read Camilleri novels, the fish...

kel @ Green Olive Tree

Hi Simona, this is a great idea. the first thing that came to my mind was "como agua para chocolate" tonnes of recipes in there i'd love to try out..but it's vacation for me soon and i actually get to visit your native land for the first time -- this time venice. A presto. Thx for the comment on my purple-turned-green beans post :)


What a yummi idea!:P
I'm very busy those days, but I do hope I will make it for Sept the 21st!
Finger crossed ^-^

Simona Carini

Thank you Paz and Francesca: I hope you'll participate.

Hi Ilva, glad to read that you are participating and that you are another one of Camilleri's fans.

Hi Kel and welcome. I read the book and watched the movie and liked them both. Venice is my favorite city in the world: I hope you'll enjoy it.

Hi Fabdo. I hope you'll make it. ^-^


Thoroughly enjoyed the Gopnik piece - thanks for the link.

Great idea for an event. Count me in.

father adam

What a great blog - a fun and interesting read (especially for those us in love with all things Italian). I especially liked the recent post on gelato and gelaterias. I'm noticing more of these popping up in Los Angeles and Northern California. But, they don't match the taste and ambience of Rome's gelateria's, which seem to be on every corner. Thanks to LoriLynn of "Taste with the Eyes" for recommending this blog. I'll check back often.

Simona Carini

Hi Lucy and welcome: I am glad you will join us for the event.

Thank you so much Adam for your kind words: I am glad you found briciole. It it true: new places pop up, but they are not the same as Italian gelaterie.

anna maria

Ciao Simona,
this is a great idea, and if I weren't soon leaving for a month I would definitely participate!
I remember making several dishes when I first read Under the Tuscan Sun and saw them described in that novel.
I bet this will be a very successful event and I look forward to reading about it when I return in October.
All the best.

Simona Carini

Ciao Anna Maria. I am reading Under the Tuscan Sun now, but I have not yet reached the point where she cooks. Thanks for the good wishes and have a pleasant and safe trip, wherever you are going.


Ouch!!! I've just found out about this wonderful idea!!! I wish I could have enter, I was thinking of Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta... I hope there will be a next time!!!!


Oh, I'm too late! I just discovered this event via Batter-Splattered's site. Despite this woeful tardiness, may I still second Imma's comment about hoping that there will be a next time?


Dear Imma and Aileen, Lisa and I are planning to do this again and we will announce it as soon as we decide on a time frame. Thanks for your interest!

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