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July 14, 2007


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Paz sono. ;-)))

I'd love to watch this series but I don't have the station that shows it. The character and the story is very appealing to me.



I love Andrea Camilleri's books about Montalbano. Do you know the site "Le ricette di Camilleri"? http://www.vigata.org/cucina/ricette.shtml


What a well-done story about Montalbano! I enjoyed it thoroughly. I will have to look for the movies; our local rental store might well order the DVDs for me.


Oh, I love that fan-club recipes page that Zorra pointed out. Too bad I don't read Italian. Great idea!

Simona Carini

I do hope the videos get distributed widely. Lisa, please let me know if you find out anything interesting.
Hello Zorra and thanks for the reminder: I have visited the site you mention. I am sorry it is all in Italian. A piece of good news I read in it is that next year they will start work on a new movie series. If only we did not have all these formatting issues between Europe and the US!


We must have discussed this already, but I don't remember where, so why not repeat it?

Do you know the novels of Manuel Vazquez Montalban and Jean-Claude Izzo? Both are considerably darker in mood than Camilleri, but both writers have their protagonists eat well and with enjoyment.

A Spanish blog called Detectives literarios once started a daily menu based on recipes in, I think, Vazquez Montalban's books. I don't know how far the list got. You can find the blog at http://librosdedetectives.blogspot.com/
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"


Hi Peter. No, we have not discussed this before. I know Montalban's name from the Montalbano novels, while Izzo's name is new to me. Thanks for the suggestion: I wish I could read them in the original!

Molly Hashimoto

Simona, I am glad I searched for your post about Montalbano. I remember that scene with the sesame seeds from the movie. Our local video store told me the series was among their most popular rentals. Justifiably! You wrote about his relationship with food quite beautifully!

Simona Carini

Thanks Molly. I am a big fan of Montalbano and I like sharing my passion. I have seen a number of the movies and I know they are really good. I need to look for the DVDs here so I can watch them with my husband.


Love the show - it is a joy to watch as it takes you into the laid-back world Montalbano inhabits and allows you to enjoy a taste of Italian humour (and the wonderful seafood vicariously).

I found it hard to find the episodes online so I did a bit of work to create English subtitled versions so I can watch Montalbano anytime. I want to share this with other fans here is a link to my blog with an episode guide and links.


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